Dekatherms to Thermies calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Dekatherms to Thermies? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dath and th.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Dekatherms to Thermies formula

Thermies to Dekatherms formula

Dekatherms to Thermies Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Dekatherms to Thermies conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dath th dath th dath th dath th
1 252.05623775622 26 6553.4621816618 51 12854.868125567 76 19156.274069473
2 504.11247551245 27 6805.518419418 52 13106.924363324 77 19408.330307229
3 756.16871326867 28 7057.5746571743 53 13358.98060108 78 19660.386544985
4 1008.2249510249 29 7309.6308949305 54 13611.036838836 79 19912.442782742
5 1260.2811887811 30 7561.6871326867 55 13863.093076592 80 20164.499020498
6 1512.3374265373 31 7813.7433704429 56 14115.149314349 81 20416.555258254
7 1764.3936642936 32 8065.7996081991 57 14367.205552105 82 20668.61149601
8 2016.4499020498 33 8317.8558459554 58 14619.261789861 83 20920.667733767
9 2268.506139806 34 8569.9120837116 59 14871.318027617 84 21172.723971523
10 2520.5623775622 35 8821.9683214678 60 15123.374265373 85 21424.780209279
11 2772.6186153185 36 9074.024559224 61 15375.43050313 86 21676.836447035
12 3024.6748530747 37 9326.0807969803 62 15627.486740886 87 21928.892684791
13 3276.7310908309 38 9578.1370347365 63 15879.542978642 88 22180.948922548
14 3528.7873285871 39 9830.1932724927 64 16131.599216398 89 22433.005160304
15 3780.8435663434 40 10082.249510249 65 16383.655454155 90 22685.06139806
16 4032.8998040996 41 10334.305748005 66 16635.711691911 91 22937.117635816
17 4284.9560418558 42 10586.361985761 67 16887.767929667 92 23189.173873573
18 4537.012279612 43 10838.418223518 68 17139.824167423 93 23441.230111329
19 4789.0685173682 44 11090.474461274 69 17391.880405179 94 23693.286349085
20 5041.1247551245 45 11342.53069903 70 17643.936642936 95 23945.342586841
21 5293.1809928807 46 11594.586936786 71 17895.992880692 96 24197.398824597
22 5545.2372306369 47 11846.643174543 72 18148.049118448 97 24449.455062354
23 5797.2934683931 48 12098.699412299 73 18400.105356204 98 24701.51130011
24 6049.3497061494 49 12350.755650055 74 18652.161593961 99 24953.567537866
25 6301.4059439056 50 12602.811887811 75 18904.217831717 100 25205.623775622

  • Dekatherm (1,055,057,000 J)
    A dekatherm (dth) is a unit of energy used primarily to measure natural gas, developed in about 1972 by the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation, a natural gas pipeline company. It is equal to 10 therms or 1,000,000 British thermal units (MMBtu) or 1.055 GJ. It is also approximately equal to one thousand cubic feet (Mcf) of natural gas or exactly one Mcf of natural gas with a heating value of 1000 Btu/cf.
  • Thermie (4,185,800 J)
    A thermie (th) is a non-SI metric unit of heat energy, part of the metre-tonne-second system sometimes used by European engineers. The thermie is equal to the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 tonne (1,000 kg) of water at 14.5 °C at standard atmospheric pressure by 1 °C. The thermie is equivalent to 1,000 kilocalories, 4.1868 megajoules or 3968.3 BTU.
Tags Dekatherms to Thermies dath to th Dekatherms dath Thermies th converter calculator conversion table


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Dekatherms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Dekatherms to Tons (explosive)
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Dekatherms to Therms
Dekatherms to Thermies
Dekatherms to Kilowatt hours
Dekatherms to Horsepower hours
Dekatherms to Megajoules
Dekatherms to Calories (Nutritional)
Dekatherms to Kilogram calories
Dekatherms to Watthours
Dekatherms to Btus
Dekatherms to Kilojoules
Dekatherms to Liter atmospheres
Dekatherms to Calories (15°C)
Dekatherms to Calories (I.T.)
Dekatherms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Dekatherms to Gram calories
Dekatherms to Foot pounds
Dekatherms to Joules
Dekatherms to Newton meters
Dekatherms to Wattseconds
Dekatherms to Inch pounds
Dekatherms to Inch ounces
Dekatherms to Millijoules
Dekatherms to Microjoules
Dekatherms to Teraelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Ergs
Dekatherms to Nanojoules
Dekatherms to Picojoules
Dekatherms to Megaelectronvolts
Dekatherms to Femtojoules
Dekatherms to Hartrees
Dekatherms to Electronvolts
Thermies to Q units
Thermies to Quads
Thermies to Exajoules
Thermies to Terawatthours
Thermies to Petajoules
Thermies to Gigawatt hours
Thermies to Terajoules
Thermies to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Thermies to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Thermies to Tons (explosive)
Thermies to Megawatthours
Thermies to Dekatherms
Thermies to Gigajoules
Thermies to Therms
Thermies to Kilowatt hours
Thermies to Horsepower hours
Thermies to Megajoules
Thermies to Calories (Nutritional)
Thermies to Kilogram calories
Thermies to Watthours
Thermies to Btus
Thermies to Kilojoules
Thermies to Liter atmospheres
Thermies to Calories (15°C)
Thermies to Calories (I.T.)
Thermies to Calories (Thermochemical)
Thermies to Gram calories
Thermies to Foot pounds
Thermies to Joules
Thermies to Newton meters
Thermies to Wattseconds
Thermies to Inch pounds
Thermies to Inch ounces
Thermies to Millijoules
Thermies to Microjoules
Thermies to Teraelectronvolts
Thermies to Ergs
Thermies to Nanojoules
Thermies to Picojoules
Thermies to Megaelectronvolts
Thermies to Femtojoules
Thermies to Hartrees
Thermies to Electronvolts