Pig latin translator

This converter translates English into Pig Latin. Pig Latin is a language game where words in English are changed. The goal is to hide words for others who are not familiar with the rules. The reference to Latin is a deliberately misleading term, as it is simply a form of jargon, and is used only to sound like a strange language.

How to use it?

Copy or type the (English) text you want to translate into Pig Latin in the top text area. Click Translate button and the result will automatically appear in the bottom text area.

Pig Latin Translator


Pig Latin:

What is Pig Latin?

Pig Latin

Pig Latin is an English language game that aims to change the language. To form griselatin of an English word, the first consonant (or consonant cluster) is moved to the end of the word and "ay" is added. For example, "pig" becomes "igpay". "Computer" becomes "omputercay and" trauancy becomes "uancytray". The goal is to hide the meaning of the words of others who are not familiar with the rules. The reference to Latin is a deliberately misleading term as it is simply a form of jargon used by English people as a strange and foreign language.

The origins

The origins of Pig Latin are unknown. An early mention of the name was in Putnam's Magazine in May 1869: "I had plenty of ammunition in reserve, to say nothing, Tom, of our pig Latin." Hoggibus, piggibus a shotam damnabile grunto, "and all that sort of thing , "although the cited language is not modern griselatin, but rather something that would today be called dogelatin (Dog Latin). The Atlantic January 1895 also included a review of the topic: "They all spoke a queer jargon that they themselves had invented." It was something like the well-known "pig Latin" that all kinds of children like to play with. " Thomas Jefferson wrote letters to friends in Pig Latin.

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