Half Circles to Eighth Circles calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

1/2 circle
1/8 circle

Half Circles to Eighth Circles formula

Eighth Circles to Half Circles formula

Half Circles
Half Circles

A semicircle with arithmetic and geometric means of a and b. In mathematics (and more specifically geometry), a semicircle is a one-dimensional locus of points that forms half of a circle. The full arc of a semicircle always measures 180° (equivalently, π radians, or a half-turn). It has only one line of symmetry (reflection symmetry). In non-technical usage, the term "semicircle" is sometimes used to refer to a half-disk, which is a two-dimensional geometric shape that also includes the diameter segment from one end of the arc to the other as well as all the interior points.

Source: Wikipedia

Eighth Circles
Eighth Circles

A circle divided into 8 equal parts (eighth circles).

Source: Wikipedia

Half Circles to Eighth Circles Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Half Circles to Eighth Circles conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

1/2 circle 1/8 circle 1/2 circle 1/8 circle 1/2 circle 1/8 circle 1/2 circle 1/8 circle
1 4 26 104 51 204 76 304
2 8 27 108 52 208 77 308
3 12 28 112 53 212 78 312
4 16 29 116 54 216 79 316
5 20 30 120 55 220 80 320
6 24 31 124 56 224 81 324
7 28 32 128 57 228 82 328
8 32 33 132 58 232 83 332
9 36 34 136 59 236 84 336
10 40 35 140 60 240 85 340
11 44 36 144 61 244 86 344
12 48 37 148 62 248 87 348
13 52 38 152 63 252 88 352
14 56 39 156 64 256 89 356
15 60 40 160 65 260 90 360
16 64 41 164 66 264 91 364
17 68 42 168 67 268 92 368
18 72 43 172 68 272 93 372
19 76 44 176 69 276 94 376
20 80 45 180 70 280 95 380
21 84 46 184 71 284 96 384
22 88 47 188 72 288 97 388
23 92 48 192 73 292 98 392
24 96 49 196 74 296 99 396
25 100 50 200 75 300 100 400

  • Half Circle (180°)
    A circular sector or circle sector (symbol: ⌔), is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc, where the smaller area is known as the minor sector and the larger being the major sector. In the diagram, θ is the central angle in radians, r the radius of the circle, and L is the arc length of the minor sector. A half circle sector is equal to 180°.
  • Eight Circle (45°)
    A circular sector or circle sector (symbol: ⌔), is the portion of a disk enclosed by two radii and an arc, where the smaller area is known as the minor sector and the larger being the major sector. In the diagram, θ is the central angle in radians, r the radius of the circle, and L is the arc length of the minor sector. An eighth circle sector is equal to 45°.
Tags Half Circles to Eighth Circles 1/2 circle to 1/8 circle Half Circles 1/2 circle Eighth Circles 1/8 circle converter calculator conversion table