Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units nJ and TeV.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts formula

Teraelectronvolts to Nanojoules formula

Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

nJ TeV nJ TeV nJ TeV nJ TeV
1 0.0062415349182671 26 0.16227990787494 51 0.31831828083162 76 0.4743566537883
2 0.012483069836534 27 0.16852144279321 52 0.32455981574989 77 0.48059818870657
3 0.018724604754801 28 0.17476297771148 53 0.33080135066816 78 0.48683972362483
4 0.024966139673068 29 0.18100451262975 54 0.33704288558642 79 0.4930812585431
5 0.031207674591336 30 0.18724604754801 55 0.34328442050469 80 0.49932279346137
6 0.037449209509603 31 0.19348758246628 56 0.34952595542296 81 0.50556432837964
7 0.04369074442787 32 0.19972911738455 57 0.35576749034122 82 0.5118058632979
8 0.049932279346137 33 0.20597065230281 58 0.36200902525949 83 0.51804739821617
9 0.056173814264404 34 0.21221218722108 59 0.36825056017776 84 0.52428893313444
10 0.062415349182671 35 0.21845372213935 60 0.37449209509603 85 0.5305304680527
11 0.068656884100938 36 0.22469525705762 61 0.38073363001429 86 0.53677200297097
12 0.074898419019205 37 0.23093679197588 62 0.38697516493256 87 0.54301353788924
13 0.081139953937472 38 0.23717832689415 63 0.39321669985083 88 0.5492550728075
14 0.087381488855739 39 0.24341986181242 64 0.39945823476909 89 0.55549660772577
15 0.093623023774007 40 0.24966139673068 65 0.40569976968736 90 0.56173814264404
16 0.099864558692274 41 0.25590293164895 66 0.41194130460563 91 0.56797967756231
17 0.10610609361054 42 0.26214446656722 67 0.4181828395239 92 0.57422121248057
18 0.11234762852881 43 0.26838600148549 68 0.42442437444216 93 0.58046274739884
19 0.11858916344707 44 0.27462753640375 69 0.43066590936043 94 0.58670428231711
20 0.12483069836534 45 0.28086907132202 70 0.4369074442787 95 0.59294581723537
21 0.13107223328361 46 0.28711060624029 71 0.44314897919696 96 0.59918735215364
22 0.13731376820188 47 0.29335214115855 72 0.44939051411523 97 0.60542888707191
23 0.14355530312014 48 0.29959367607682 73 0.4556320490335 98 0.61167042199018
24 0.14979683803841 49 0.30583521099509 74 0.46187358395177 99 0.61791195690844
25 0.15603837295668 50 0.31207674591335 75 0.46811511887003 100 0.62415349182671

  • Teraelectronvolt (0.00000016 J)
    In physics, the electronvolt (symbol eV, also written electron-volt and electron volt) is a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.6×10−19 joules (symbol J) in SI units. By definition, it is the amount of energy gained (or lost) by the charge of a single electron moving across an electric potential difference of one volt. Hence, it has a value of one volt, 1 J/C, multiplied by the electron's elementary charge e, 1.6021766208(98)×10−19 C. Therefore, one electronvolt is equal to 1.6021766208(98)×10−19 J. The electronvolt is not a SI unit, and its definition is empirical (unlike the litre, the light-year and other such non-SI units), where its value in SI units must be obtained experimentally.
  • Nanojoule (0.000000001 J)
    The nanojoule (nJ) is equal to one billionth (10⁻⁹) of one joule. 160 nanojoules is about the kinetic energy of a flying mosquito.
Tags Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts nJ to TeV Nanojoules nJ Teraelectronvolts TeV converter calculator conversion table


Nanojoules to Q units
Nanojoules to Quads
Nanojoules to Exajoules
Nanojoules to Terawatthours
Nanojoules to Petajoules
Nanojoules to Gigawatt hours
Nanojoules to Terajoules
Nanojoules to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Nanojoules to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Nanojoules to Tons (explosive)
Nanojoules to Megawatthours
Nanojoules to Dekatherms
Nanojoules to Gigajoules
Nanojoules to Therms
Nanojoules to Thermies
Nanojoules to Kilowatt hours
Nanojoules to Horsepower hours
Nanojoules to Megajoules
Nanojoules to Calories (Nutritional)
Nanojoules to Kilogram calories
Nanojoules to Watthours
Nanojoules to Btus
Nanojoules to Kilojoules
Nanojoules to Liter atmospheres
Nanojoules to Calories (15°C)
Nanojoules to Calories (I.T.)
Nanojoules to Calories (Thermochemical)
Nanojoules to Gram calories
Nanojoules to Foot pounds
Nanojoules to Joules
Nanojoules to Newton meters
Nanojoules to Wattseconds
Nanojoules to Inch pounds
Nanojoules to Inch ounces
Nanojoules to Millijoules
Nanojoules to Microjoules
Nanojoules to Teraelectronvolts
Nanojoules to Ergs
Nanojoules to Picojoules
Nanojoules to Megaelectronvolts
Nanojoules to Femtojoules
Nanojoules to Hartrees
Nanojoules to Electronvolts
Teraelectronvolts to Q units
Teraelectronvolts to Quads
Teraelectronvolts to Exajoules
Teraelectronvolts to Terawatthours
Teraelectronvolts to Petajoules
Teraelectronvolts to Gigawatt hours
Teraelectronvolts to Terajoules
Teraelectronvolts to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Teraelectronvolts to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Teraelectronvolts to Tons (explosive)
Teraelectronvolts to Megawatthours
Teraelectronvolts to Dekatherms
Teraelectronvolts to Gigajoules
Teraelectronvolts to Therms
Teraelectronvolts to Thermies
Teraelectronvolts to Kilowatt hours
Teraelectronvolts to Horsepower hours
Teraelectronvolts to Megajoules
Teraelectronvolts to Calories (Nutritional)
Teraelectronvolts to Kilogram calories
Teraelectronvolts to Watthours
Teraelectronvolts to Btus
Teraelectronvolts to Kilojoules
Teraelectronvolts to Liter atmospheres
Teraelectronvolts to Calories (15°C)
Teraelectronvolts to Calories (I.T.)
Teraelectronvolts to Calories (Thermochemical)
Teraelectronvolts to Gram calories
Teraelectronvolts to Foot pounds
Teraelectronvolts to Joules
Teraelectronvolts to Newton meters
Teraelectronvolts to Wattseconds
Teraelectronvolts to Inch pounds
Teraelectronvolts to Inch ounces
Teraelectronvolts to Millijoules
Teraelectronvolts to Microjoules
Teraelectronvolts to Ergs
Teraelectronvolts to Nanojoules
Teraelectronvolts to Picojoules
Teraelectronvolts to Megaelectronvolts
Teraelectronvolts to Femtojoules
Teraelectronvolts to Hartrees
Teraelectronvolts to Electronvolts