Wattseconds to Millijoules calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Wattseconds to Millijoules? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units Ws and mJ.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Wattseconds to Millijoules formula

Millijoules to Wattseconds formula

Wattseconds to Millijoules Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Wattseconds to Millijoules conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

Ws mJ Ws mJ Ws mJ Ws mJ
1 1000 26 26000 51 51000 76 76000
2 2000 27 27000 52 52000 77 77000
3 3000 28 28000 53 53000 78 78000
4 4000 29 29000 54 54000 79 79000
5 5000 30 30000 55 55000 80 80000
6 6000 31 31000 56 56000 81 81000
7 7000 32 32000 57 57000 82 82000
8 8000 33 33000 58 58000 83 83000
9 9000 34 34000 59 59000 84 84000
10 10000 35 35000 60 60000 85 85000
11 11000 36 36000 61 61000 86 86000
12 12000 37 37000 62 62000 87 87000
13 13000 38 38000 63 63000 88 88000
14 14000 39 39000 64 64000 89 89000
15 15000 40 40000 65 65000 90 90000
16 16000 41 41000 66 66000 91 91000
17 17000 42 42000 67 67000 92 92000
18 18000 43 43000 68 68000 93 93000
19 19000 44 44000 69 69000 94 94000
20 20000 45 45000 70 70000 95 95000
21 21000 46 46000 71 71000 96 96000
22 22000 47 47000 72 72000 97 97000
23 23000 48 48000 73 73000 98 98000
24 24000 49 49000 74 74000 99 99000
25 25000 50 50000 75 75000 100 100000

  • Wattsecond (1 J)
    A watt second (also watt-second, symbol Ws) is a derived unit of energy equivalent to the joule. The watt-second is the energy equivalent to the power of one watt sustained for one second. While the watt-second is equivalent to the joule in both units and meaning, there are some contexts in which the term "watt-second" is used instead of "joule". The kilowatt hour (kWh) is equivalent to 3,600,000 watt-seconds and is a unit used in the electricity market, and by producers of electricity. Although joule and watt-second mean exactly the same thing (they represent the same amount of the same physical quantity, viz. energy), the newton metre is not equivalent to the joule (despite having the same dimensions) as it represents torque rather than energy. (In terms of vectors, torque is a cross product of force and distance, and energy is their dot product.)
  • Millijoule (0.001 J)
    The millijoule (mJ) is equal to one thousandth (10⁻³) of a joule.
Tags Wattseconds to Millijoules Ws to mJ Wattseconds Ws Millijoules mJ converter calculator conversion table


Wattseconds to Q units
Wattseconds to Quads
Wattseconds to Exajoules
Wattseconds to Terawatthours
Wattseconds to Petajoules
Wattseconds to Gigawatt hours
Wattseconds to Terajoules
Wattseconds to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Wattseconds to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Wattseconds to Tons (explosive)
Wattseconds to Megawatthours
Wattseconds to Dekatherms
Wattseconds to Gigajoules
Wattseconds to Therms
Wattseconds to Thermies
Wattseconds to Kilowatt hours
Wattseconds to Horsepower hours
Wattseconds to Megajoules
Wattseconds to Calories (Nutritional)
Wattseconds to Kilogram calories
Wattseconds to Watthours
Wattseconds to Btus
Wattseconds to Kilojoules
Wattseconds to Liter atmospheres
Wattseconds to Calories (15°C)
Wattseconds to Calories (I.T.)
Wattseconds to Calories (Thermochemical)
Wattseconds to Gram calories
Wattseconds to Foot pounds
Wattseconds to Joules
Wattseconds to Newton meters
Wattseconds to Inch pounds
Wattseconds to Inch ounces
Wattseconds to Millijoules
Wattseconds to Microjoules
Wattseconds to Teraelectronvolts
Wattseconds to Ergs
Wattseconds to Nanojoules
Wattseconds to Picojoules
Wattseconds to Megaelectronvolts
Wattseconds to Femtojoules
Wattseconds to Hartrees
Wattseconds to Electronvolts
Millijoules to Q units
Millijoules to Quads
Millijoules to Exajoules
Millijoules to Terawatthours
Millijoules to Petajoules
Millijoules to Gigawatt hours
Millijoules to Terajoules
Millijoules to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Millijoules to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Millijoules to Tons (explosive)
Millijoules to Megawatthours
Millijoules to Dekatherms
Millijoules to Gigajoules
Millijoules to Therms
Millijoules to Thermies
Millijoules to Kilowatt hours
Millijoules to Horsepower hours
Millijoules to Megajoules
Millijoules to Calories (Nutritional)
Millijoules to Kilogram calories
Millijoules to Watthours
Millijoules to Btus
Millijoules to Kilojoules
Millijoules to Liter atmospheres
Millijoules to Calories (15°C)
Millijoules to Calories (I.T.)
Millijoules to Calories (Thermochemical)
Millijoules to Gram calories
Millijoules to Foot pounds
Millijoules to Joules
Millijoules to Newton meters
Millijoules to Wattseconds
Millijoules to Inch pounds
Millijoules to Inch ounces
Millijoules to Microjoules
Millijoules to Teraelectronvolts
Millijoules to Ergs
Millijoules to Nanojoules
Millijoules to Picojoules
Millijoules to Megaelectronvolts
Millijoules to Femtojoules
Millijoules to Hartrees
Millijoules to Electronvolts