Light-years to US Leagues calculator

tedt long

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Light-years to US Leagues formula

US Leagues to Light-years formula


One light year is the distance that light can travel in one year. Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More p recisely, one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

Source: Wikipedia

US Leagues
US Leagues

A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

Source: Wikipedia / Natural Living Ideas

Light-years to US Leagues Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Light-years to US Leagues conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

ly lea ly lea ly lea ly lea
1 1959537841634.4 26 50947983882493 51 99936429923352 76 1.4892487596421E+14
2 3919075683268.7 27 52907521724128 52 1.0189596776499E+14 77 1.5088441380585E+14
3 5878613524903.1 28 54867059565762 53 1.0385550560662E+14 78 1.5284395164748E+14
4 7838151366537.4 29 56826597407396 54 1.0581504344826E+14 79 1.5480348948911E+14
5 9797689208171.8 30 58786135249031 55 1.0777458128989E+14 80 1.5676302733075E+14
6 11757227049806 31 60745673090665 56 1.0973411913152E+14 81 1.5872256517238E+14
7 13716764891440 32 62705210932299 57 1.1169365697316E+14 82 1.6068210301402E+14
8 15676302733075 33 64664748773934 58 1.1365319481479E+14 83 1.6264164085565E+14
9 17635840574709 34 66624286615568 59 1.1561273265643E+14 84 1.6460117869729E+14
10 19595378416344 35 68583824457202 60 1.1757227049806E+14 85 1.6656071653892E+14
11 21554916257978 36 70543362298837 61 1.195318083397E+14 86 1.6852025438055E+14
12 23514454099612 37 72502900140471 62 1.2149134618133E+14 87 1.7047979222219E+14
13 25473991941247 38 74462437982105 63 1.2345088402296E+14 88 1.7243933006382E+14
14 27433529782881 39 76421975823740 64 1.254104218646E+14 89 1.7439886790546E+14
15 29393067624515 40 78381513665374 65 1.2736995970623E+14 90 1.7635840574709E+14
16 31352605466150 41 80341051507008 66 1.2932949754787E+14 91 1.7831794358873E+14
17 33312143307784 42 82300589348643 67 1.312890353895E+14 92 1.8027748143036E+14
18 35271681149418 43 84260127190277 68 1.3324857323114E+14 93 1.8223701927199E+14
19 37231218991053 44 86219665031911 69 1.3520811107277E+14 94 1.8419655711363E+14
20 39190756832687 45 88179202873546 70 1.371676489144E+14 95 1.8615609495526E+14
21 41150294674321 46 90138740715180 71 1.3912718675604E+14 96 1.881156327969E+14
22 43109832515956 47 92098278556815 72 1.4108672459767E+14 97 1.9007517063853E+14
23 45069370357590 48 94057816398449 73 1.4304626243931E+14 98 1.9203470848017E+14
24 47028908199224 49 96017354240083 74 1.4500580028094E+14 99 1.939942463218E+14
25 48988446040859 50 97976892081718 75 1.4696533812258E+14 100 1.9595378416344E+14

  • Light-year (9,460,731,000,000,000 meters)
    The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and measures about 9.5 trillion kilometres or 5.9 trillion miles. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days). Because it includes the word "year", the term light-year is sometimes misinterpreted as a unit of time. The light-year is most often used when expressing distances to stars and other distances on a galactic scale, especially in nonspecialist and popular science publications. The unit most commonly used in professional astrometry is the parsec (symbol: pc, about 3.26 light-years; the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one second of arc).
  • US League (4,828.042 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries. In U.S. linear measure, one league (Symbol: U.S. st. leag.) is equal to 15,840 feet (or three miles).
Tags Light-years to US Leagues ly to lea Light-years ly US Leagues lea converter calculator conversion table