Meters to Miles calculator

tedt long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Meters to Miles formula

Miles to Meters formula


A traffic sign indicating hump 200 meters ahead.

Source: Wikipedia


A milestone in Westminster showing the distance from Knightsbridge to Hounslow and Hyde Park Corner in miles.

Source: Wikipedia

Meters to Miles Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Meters to Miles conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

m mi m mi m mi m mi
1 0.00062137119223733 26 0.016155650998171 51 0.031689930804104 76 0.047224210610037
2 0.0012427423844747 27 0.016777022190408 52 0.032311301996341 77 0.047845581802275
3 0.001864113576712 28 0.017398393382645 53 0.032932673188579 78 0.048466952994512
4 0.0024854847689493 29 0.018019764574883 54 0.033554044380816 79 0.049088324186749
5 0.0031068559611867 30 0.01864113576712 55 0.034175415573053 80 0.049709695378987
6 0.003728227153424 31 0.019262506959357 56 0.034796786765291 81 0.050331066571224
7 0.0043495983456613 32 0.019883878151595 57 0.035418157957528 82 0.050952437763461
8 0.0049709695378987 33 0.020505249343832 58 0.036039529149765 83 0.051573808955699
9 0.005592340730136 34 0.021126620536069 59 0.036660900342003 84 0.052195180147936
10 0.0062137119223733 35 0.021747991728307 60 0.03728227153424 85 0.052816551340173
11 0.0068350831146107 36 0.022369362920544 61 0.037903642726477 86 0.053437922532411
12 0.007456454306848 37 0.022990734112781 62 0.038525013918715 87 0.054059293724648
13 0.0080778254990853 38 0.023612105305019 63 0.039146385110952 88 0.054680664916885
14 0.0086991966913227 39 0.024233476497256 64 0.039767756303189 89 0.055302036109123
15 0.00932056788356 40 0.024854847689493 65 0.040389127495427 90 0.05592340730136
16 0.0099419390757973 41 0.025476218881731 66 0.041010498687664 91 0.056544778493597
17 0.010563310268035 42 0.026097590073968 67 0.041631869879901 92 0.057166149685835
18 0.011184681460272 43 0.026718961266205 68 0.042253241072139 93 0.057787520878072
19 0.011806052652509 44 0.027340332458443 69 0.042874612264376 94 0.058408892070309
20 0.012427423844747 45 0.02796170365068 70 0.043495983456613 95 0.059030263262547
21 0.013048795036984 46 0.028583074842917 71 0.044117354648851 96 0.059651634454784
22 0.013670166229221 47 0.029204446035155 72 0.044738725841088 97 0.060273005647021
23 0.014291537421459 48 0.029825817227392 73 0.045360097033325 98 0.060894376839259
24 0.014912908613696 49 0.030447188419629 74 0.045981468225563 99 0.061515748031496
25 0.015534279805933 50 0.031068559611867 75 0.0466028394178 100 0.062137119223733

  • Mile (1,609.34 meters)
    The mile is an English unit of length of linear measure equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, and standardised as exactly 1,609.344 metres by international agreement in 1959.
  • Meter (1 meters)
    The metre (British and International Bureau of Weights and Measures spelling) or meter (American spelling) (from the French unit mètre, from the Greek noun μέτρον, "measure") is the base unit of length in some metric systems, including the International System of Units (SI). The SI unit symbol is m. The metre is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in a vacuum in 1 / 299 792 458 second.
Tags Meters to Miles m to mi Meters m Miles mi converter calculator conversion table