Torrs to Baryes calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Torrs to Baryes? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units torr and Ba.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Torrs to Baryes formula

Baryes to Torrs formula

Torrs to Baryes Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Torrs to Baryes conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

torr Ba torr Ba torr Ba torr Ba
1 1333.2237 26 34663.8162 51 67994.4087 76 101325.0012
2 2666.4474 27 35997.0399 52 69327.6324 77 102658.2249
3 3999.6711 28 37330.2636 53 70660.8561 78 103991.4486
4 5332.8948 29 38663.4873 54 71994.0798 79 105324.6723
5 6666.1185 30 39996.711 55 73327.3035 80 106657.896
6 7999.3422 31 41329.9347 56 74660.5272 81 107991.1197
7 9332.5659 32 42663.1584 57 75993.7509 82 109324.3434
8 10665.7896 33 43996.3821 58 77326.9746 83 110657.5671
9 11999.0133 34 45329.6058 59 78660.1983 84 111990.7908
10 13332.237 35 46662.8295 60 79993.422 85 113324.0145
11 14665.4607 36 47996.0532 61 81326.6457 86 114657.2382
12 15998.6844 37 49329.2769 62 82659.8694 87 115990.4619
13 17331.9081 38 50662.5006 63 83993.0931 88 117323.6856
14 18665.1318 39 51995.7243 64 85326.3168 89 118656.9093
15 19998.3555 40 53328.948 65 86659.5405 90 119990.133
16 21331.5792 41 54662.1717 66 87992.7642 91 121323.3567
17 22664.8029 42 55995.3954 67 89325.9879 92 122656.5804
18 23998.0266 43 57328.6191 68 90659.2116 93 123989.8041
19 25331.2503 44 58661.8428 69 91992.4353 94 125323.0278
20 26664.474 45 59995.0665 70 93325.659 95 126656.2515
21 27997.6977 46 61328.2902 71 94658.8827 96 127989.4752
22 29330.9214 47 62661.5139 72 95992.1064 97 129322.6989
23 30664.1451 48 63994.7376 73 97325.3301 98 130655.9226
24 31997.3688 49 65327.9613 74 98658.5538 99 131989.1463
25 33330.5925 50 66661.185 75 99991.7775 100 133322.37

  • Torr (133.32 Pa)
    The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale, now defined as exactly 1/760 of a standard atmosphere (101.325 kPa). Thus one torr is exactly 101325/760 pascals (≈ 133.32 Pa).
  • Barye (0.1 Pa)
    The barye (symbol: Ba), or sometimes barad, barrie, bary, baryd, baryed, or barie, is the centimetre–gram–second (CGS) unit of pressure. It is equal to 1 dyne per square centimetre.
Tags Torrs to Baryes torr to Ba Torrs torr Baryes Ba converter calculator conversion table


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