US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

US qt dry
cup US

US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups formula

US Cups to US Quarts (Dry) formula

US Quarts (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry)

1 Quart Jug Replacement Desiccant Blue Indicating Silica Gel Bead.


US Cups
US Cups

Glass cup with measurement scale with US Cups, US Fluid Ounces and Milligrams units.

Source: Wikipedia

US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

US qt dry cup US US qt dry cup US US qt dry cup US US qt dry cup US
1 4.6543573541843 26 121.01329120879 51 237.3722250634 76 353.73115891801
2 9.3087147083686 27 125.66764856298 52 242.02658241758 77 358.38551627219
3 13.963072062553 28 130.32200591716 53 246.68093977177 78 363.03987362637
4 18.617429416737 29 134.97636327134 54 251.33529712595 79 367.69423098056
5 23.271786770921 30 139.63072062553 55 255.98965448014 80 372.34858833474
6 27.926144125106 31 144.28507797971 56 260.64401183432 81 377.00294568893
7 32.58050147929 32 148.9394353339 57 265.2983691885 82 381.65730304311
8 37.234858833474 33 153.59379268808 58 269.95272654269 83 386.3116603973
9 41.889216187658 34 158.24815004227 59 274.60708389687 84 390.96601775148
10 46.543573541843 35 162.90250739645 60 279.26144125106 85 395.62037510566
11 51.197930896027 36 167.55686475063 61 283.91579860524 86 400.27473245985
12 55.852288250211 37 172.21122210482 62 288.57015595943 87 404.92908981403
13 60.506645604396 38 176.865579459 63 293.22451331361 88 409.58344716822
14 65.16100295858 39 181.51993681319 64 297.87887066779 89 414.2378045224
15 69.815360312764 40 186.17429416737 65 302.53322802198 90 418.89216187658
16 74.469717666948 41 190.82865152156 66 307.18758537616 91 423.54651923077
17 79.124075021133 42 195.48300887574 67 311.84194273035 92 428.20087658495
18 83.778432375317 43 200.13736622992 68 316.49630008453 93 432.85523393914
19 88.432789729501 44 204.79172358411 69 321.15065743872 94 437.50959129332
20 93.087147083686 45 209.44608093829 70 325.8050147929 95 442.16394864751
21 97.74150443787 46 214.10043829248 71 330.45937214708 96 446.81830600169
22 102.39586179205 47 218.75479564666 72 335.11372950127 97 451.47266335587
23 107.05021914624 48 223.40915300085 73 339.76808685545 98 456.12702071006
24 111.70457650042 49 228.06351035503 74 344.42244420964 99 460.78137806424
25 116.35893385461 50 232.71786770921 75 349.07680156382 100 465.43573541843

  • US Quart (Dry) (1.101221L)
    In the United States, the dry quart is equal to 1/4 of a US dry gallon, exactly 1.101220942715 liters.
  • US Cup (0.2365855L)
    The cup is a United States unit of volume, most commonly associated with cooking and serving sizes. It is traditionally equal to half a liquid pint in US customary units but is now separately defined in terms of the metric system at values between 1⁄5 and 1⁄4 of a liter. Because actual drinking cups may differ greatly from the size of this unit, standard measuring cups are usually used instead.
Tags US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups US qt dry to cup US US Quarts (Dry) US qt dry US Cups cup US converter calculator conversion table


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US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Yards
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US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid)
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US Quarts (Dry) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Pints
US Quarts (Dry) to US Pints (Dry)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Quarts (Dry) to Metric Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to US Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to Canadian Cups
US Quarts (Dry) to Gills (UK)
US Quarts (Dry) to US Gills
US Quarts (Dry) to US Fluid Ounces
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Inches
US Quarts (Dry) to US Tablespoons
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Tablespoons
US Quarts (Dry) to Centiliters
US Quarts (Dry) to Metric Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to US Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to UK Teaspoons
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Centimeters
US Quarts (Dry) to Milliliters
US Quarts (Dry) to Cubic Millimeters
US Quarts (Dry) to Microliters
US Cups to Cubic meters
US Cups to Cubic Yards
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US Cups to US Barrels (Oil)
US Cups to US Barrels (Liquid)
US Cups to US Barrels (Dry)
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US Cups to UK Gallons
US Cups to US Gallons (Dry)
US Cups to US Gallons (Liquid)
US Cups to UK Quarts
US Cups to US Quarts (Dry)
US Cups to Liters
US Cups to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Cups to UK Pints
US Cups to US Pints (Dry)
US Cups to US Pints (Liquid)
US Cups to Metric Cups
US Cups to Canadian Cups
US Cups to Gills (UK)
US Cups to US Gills
US Cups to US Fluid Ounces
US Cups to UK Fluid Ounces
US Cups to Cubic Inches
US Cups to US Tablespoons
US Cups to UK Tablespoons
US Cups to Centiliters
US Cups to Metric Teaspoons
US Cups to US Teaspoons
US Cups to UK Teaspoons
US Cups to Cubic Centimeters
US Cups to Milliliters
US Cups to Cubic Millimeters
US Cups to Microliters