US Tablespoons to US Pints (Dry) calculator

test long

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

US tblsp
US pt dry

US Tablespoons to US Pints (Dry) formula

US Pints (Dry) to US Tablespoons formula

US Tablespoons
US Tablespoons

This tablespoon has a capacity of about 15 ml.

Source: Wikipedia

US Pints (Dry)
US Pints (Dry)

Blueberries labelled in English (1 US DRY PINT) and French (1 CHOPINE SÈCHE US 551 ml) for sale in the US and Canada.

Source: Wikipedia

US Tablespoons to US Pints (Dry) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the US Tablespoons to US Pints (Dry) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

US tblsp US pt dry US tblsp US pt dry US tblsp US pt dry US tblsp US pt dry
1 0.026879767526335 26 0.69887395568471 51 1.3708681438431 76 2.0428623320015
2 0.05375953505267 27 0.72575372321104 52 1.3977479113694 77 2.0697420995278
3 0.080639302579005 28 0.75263349073738 53 1.4246276788958 78 2.0966218670541
4 0.10751907010534 29 0.77951325826371 54 1.4515074464221 79 2.1235016345805
5 0.13439883763167 30 0.80639302579005 55 1.4783872139484 80 2.1503814021068
6 0.16127860515801 31 0.83327279331638 56 1.5052669814748 81 2.1772611696331
7 0.18815837268434 32 0.86015256084272 57 1.5321467490011 82 2.2041409371595
8 0.21503814021068 33 0.88703232836905 58 1.5590265165274 83 2.2310207046858
9 0.24191790773701 34 0.91391209589539 59 1.5859062840538 84 2.2579004722121
10 0.26879767526335 35 0.94079186342172 60 1.6127860515801 85 2.2847802397385
11 0.29567744278968 36 0.96767163094806 61 1.6396658191064 86 2.3116600072648
12 0.32255721031602 37 0.99455139847439 62 1.6665455866328 87 2.3385397747911
13 0.34943697784235 38 1.0214311660007 63 1.6934253541591 88 2.3654195423175
14 0.37631674536869 39 1.0483109335271 64 1.7203051216854 89 2.3922993098438
15 0.40319651289502 40 1.0751907010534 65 1.7471848892118 90 2.4191790773701
16 0.43007628042136 41 1.1020704685797 66 1.7740646567381 91 2.4460588448965
17 0.45695604794769 42 1.1289502361061 67 1.8009444242644 92 2.4729386124228
18 0.48383581547403 43 1.1558300036324 68 1.8278241917908 93 2.4998183799491
19 0.51071558300036 44 1.1827097711587 69 1.8547039593171 94 2.5266981474755
20 0.5375953505267 45 1.2095895386851 70 1.8815837268434 95 2.5535779150018
21 0.56447511805303 46 1.2364693062114 71 1.9084634943698 96 2.5804576825282
22 0.59135488557937 47 1.2633490737377 72 1.9353432618961 97 2.6073374500545
23 0.6182346531057 48 1.2902288412641 73 1.9622230294224 98 2.6342172175808
24 0.64511442063204 49 1.3171086087904 74 1.9891027969488 99 2.6610969851072
25 0.67199418815837 50 1.3439883763167 75 2.0159825644751 100 2.6879767526335

  • US Pint (Dry) (0.5506105L)
    The pint (symbol pt, sometimes abbreviated as "p") is a unit of volume or capacity in both the imperial and United States customary measurement systems. In both of those systems it is traditionally one-eighth of a gallon. The British imperial pint is about 20% larger than the American pint because the two systems are defined differently. Almost all other countries have standardized on the metric system, so the size of what may be called a pint varies depending on local custom. In the United States, the dry pint is one-eighth of a dry gallon.
  • US Tablespoon (0.01478676L)
    A tablespoon is a large spoon used for serving or eating. In many English-speaking regions, the term now refers to a large spoon used for serving, however, in some regions, including parts of Canada, it is the largest type of spoon used for eating. By extension, the term is used as a measure of volume in cooking. In this capacity, it is most commonly abbreviated tbsp or T, and occasionally referred to as a tablespoonful to distinguish it from the utensil. The unit of measurement varies by region: a United States tablespoon is approximately 14.8 ml (0.50 US fl oz). The capacity of the utensil (as opposed to the measurement) is not defined by law or custom and bears no particular relation to the measurement.
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US Pints (Dry) to UK Gallons
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gallons (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Quarts
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Dry)
US Pints (Dry) to Liters
US Pints (Dry) to US Quarts (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to UK Pints
US Pints (Dry) to US Pints (Liquid)
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Cups
US Pints (Dry) to US Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Canadian Cups
US Pints (Dry) to Gills (UK)
US Pints (Dry) to US Gills
US Pints (Dry) to US Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to UK Fluid Ounces
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Inches
US Pints (Dry) to US Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Tablespoons
US Pints (Dry) to Centiliters
US Pints (Dry) to Metric Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to US Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to UK Teaspoons
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Centimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Milliliters
US Pints (Dry) to Cubic Millimeters
US Pints (Dry) to Microliters