Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dr and s ap.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

s ap

Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple formula

Apothecaries’ Scruple to Apothecaries’ Dram formula

Apothecaries’ Dram
Apothecaries’ Dram

Dram is a unit of mass in the avoirdupois system, and both a unit of mass and a unit of volume in the apothecaries' system. It was originally both a coin and a weight in ancient Greece.

Source: Wikipedia

Apothecaries’ Scruple
Apothecaries’ Scruple

Scruple, unit of weight in the apothecaries' system, equal to 20 grains, or one-third dram, and equivalent to 1.296 grams. It was sometimes mistakenly assigned to the avoirdupois system.

Source: Wikipedia

Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dr s ap dr s ap dr s ap dr s ap
1 3 26 78 51 153 76 228
2 6 27 81 52 156 77 231
3 9 28 84 53 159 78 234
4 12 29 87 54 162 79 237
5 15 30 90 55 165 80 240
6 18 31 93 56 168 81 243
7 21 32 96 57 171 82 246
8 24 33 99 58 174 83 249
9 27 34 102 59 177 84 252
10 30 35 105 60 180 85 255
11 33 36 108 61 183 86 258
12 36 37 111 62 186 87 261
13 39 38 114 63 189 88 264
14 42 39 117 64 192 89 267
15 45 40 120 65 195 90 270
16 48 41 123 66 198 91 273
17 51 42 126 67 201 92 276
18 54 43 129 68 204 93 279
19 57 44 132 69 207 94 282
20 60 45 135 70 210 95 285
21 63 46 138 71 213 96 288
22 66 47 141 72 216 97 291
23 69 48 144 73 219 98 294
24 72 49 147 74 222 99 297
25 75 50 150 75 225 100 300

  • Dram (3.888 grams)
    The apothecaries' system or apothecaries' weights and measures is a historical system of mass and volume units that were used by physicians and apothecaries for medical recipes, and also sometimes by scientists. Dram, unit of weight in the apothecaries’ and avoirdupois systems. An apothecaries’ dram contains 3 scruples (3.888 grams) of 20 grains each and is equal to one-eighth apothecaries’ ounce of 480 grains.
  • Scruple (1.296 grams)
    The apothecaries' system or apothecaries' weights and measures is a historical system of mass and volume units that were used by physicians and apothecaries for medical recipes, and also sometimes by scientists. Scruple, unit of weight in the apothecaries’ system, equal to 20 grains, or one-third dram, and equivalent to 1.296 grams.
Tags Apothecaries’ Dram to Apothecaries’ Scruple dr to s ap Apothecaries’ Dram dr Apothecaries’ Scruple s ap converter calculator conversion table