Milligrams to Troy Pounds calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Milligrams to Troy Pounds? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units mg and lb t.

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To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

lb t

Milligrams to Troy Pounds formula

Troy Pounds to Milligrams formula


A unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal to a thousandth of a gram. A gram is equal to the mass of one milliliter, one thousandth of a liter, of water at 4 degrees C.

Source: Wikipedia

Troy Pounds
Troy Pounds

A troy pound is equal to 12 troy ounces and to 5,760 grains, that is exactly 373.2417216 grams. Troy weights were used in England by jewellers. Apothecaries also used the troy pound and ounce, but added the drachms and scruples unit in the Apothecaries' system of weights.

Source: Wikipedia

Milligrams to Troy Pounds Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Milligrams to Troy Pounds conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

mg lb t mg lb t mg lb t mg lb t
1 2.679228880719E-6 26 6.9659950898694E-5 51 0.00013664067291667 76 0.00020362139493464
2 5.358457761438E-6 27 7.2339179779413E-5 52 0.00013931990179739 77 0.00020630062381536
3 8.037686642157E-6 28 7.5018408660132E-5 53 0.00014199913067811 78 0.00020897985269608
4 1.0716915522876E-5 29 7.7697637540851E-5 54 0.00014467835955883 79 0.0002116590815768
5 1.3396144403595E-5 30 8.037686642157E-5 55 0.00014735758843954 80 0.00021433831045752
6 1.6075373284314E-5 31 8.3056095302289E-5 56 0.00015003681732026 81 0.00021701753933824
7 1.8754602165033E-5 32 8.5735324183008E-5 57 0.00015271604620098 82 0.00021969676821896
8 2.1433831045752E-5 33 8.8414553063727E-5 58 0.0001553952750817 83 0.00022237599709968
9 2.4113059926471E-5 34 9.1093781944446E-5 59 0.00015807450396242 84 0.0002250552259804
10 2.679228880719E-5 35 9.3773010825165E-5 60 0.00016075373284314 85 0.00022773445486111
11 2.9471517687909E-5 36 9.6452239705884E-5 61 0.00016343296172386 86 0.00023041368374183
12 3.2150746568628E-5 37 9.9131468586603E-5 62 0.00016611219060458 87 0.00023309291262255
13 3.4829975449347E-5 38 0.00010181069746732 63 0.0001687914194853 88 0.00023577214150327
14 3.7509204330066E-5 39 0.00010448992634804 64 0.00017147064836602 89 0.00023845137038399
15 4.0188433210785E-5 40 0.00010716915522876 65 0.00017414987724673 90 0.00024113059926471
16 4.2867662091504E-5 41 0.00010984838410948 66 0.00017682910612745 91 0.00024380982814543
17 4.5546890972223E-5 42 0.0001125276129902 67 0.00017950833500817 92 0.00024648905702615
18 4.8226119852942E-5 43 0.00011520684187092 68 0.00018218756388889 93 0.00024916828590687
19 5.0905348733661E-5 44 0.00011788607075164 69 0.00018486679276961 94 0.00025184751478759
20 5.358457761438E-5 45 0.00012056529963235 70 0.00018754602165033 95 0.0002545267436683
21 5.6263806495099E-5 46 0.00012324452851307 71 0.00019022525053105 96 0.00025720597254902
22 5.8943035375818E-5 47 0.00012592375739379 72 0.00019290447941177 97 0.00025988520142974
23 6.1622264256537E-5 48 0.00012860298627451 73 0.00019558370829249 98 0.00026256443031046
24 6.4301493137256E-5 49 0.00013128221515523 74 0.00019826293717321 99 0.00026524365919118
25 6.6980722017975E-5 50 0.00013396144403595 75 0.00020094216605392 100 0.0002679228880719

  • Troy Pound (373.2417 grams)
    The troy pound is 5 760 grains (≈ 373.24 g, 12 oz t), while an avoirdupois pound is approximately 21.53% heavier at 7 000 grains (≈ 453.59 g).
  • Milligram (0.001 grams)
    A unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal to a thousandth of a gram. A gram is equal to the mass of one milliliter, one thousandth of a liter, of water at 4 degrees C. The abbreviation for milligram is mg.
Tags Milligrams to Troy Pounds mg to lb t Milligrams mg Troy Pounds lb t converter calculator conversion table