Ounces to Stones calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Ounces to Stones? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units oz and st.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Ounces to Stones formula

Stones to Ounces formula


An example of a 2 fl oz shot glass in British Imperial fluid ounces.

Source: Wikipedia


A depiction of a medieval German scale weighing bales of wool according to the local stone.

Source: Wikipedia

Ounces to Stones Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Ounces to Stones conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

oz st oz st oz st oz st
1 0.0044642879498417 26 0.11607148669588 51 0.22767868544192 76 0.33928588418797
2 0.0089285758996833 27 0.12053577464572 52 0.23214297339177 77 0.34375017213781
3 0.013392863849525 28 0.12500006259557 53 0.23660726134161 78 0.34821446008765
4 0.017857151799367 29 0.12946435054541 54 0.24107154929145 79 0.35267874803749
5 0.022321439749208 30 0.13392863849525 55 0.24553583724129 80 0.35714303598733
6 0.02678572769905 31 0.13839292644509 56 0.25000012519113 81 0.36160732393717
7 0.031250015648892 32 0.14285721439493 57 0.25446441314097 82 0.36607161188702
8 0.035714303598733 33 0.14732150234477 58 0.25892870109082 83 0.37053589983686
9 0.040178591548575 34 0.15178579029462 59 0.26339298904066 84 0.3750001877867
10 0.044642879498417 35 0.15625007824446 60 0.2678572769905 85 0.37946447573654
11 0.049107167448258 36 0.1607143661943 61 0.27232156494034 86 0.38392876368638
12 0.0535714553981 37 0.16517865414414 62 0.27678585289018 87 0.38839305163622
13 0.058035743347942 38 0.16964294209398 63 0.28125014084002 88 0.39285733958607
14 0.062500031297783 39 0.17410723004382 64 0.28571442878987 89 0.39732162753591
15 0.066964319247625 40 0.17857151799367 65 0.29017871673971 90 0.40178591548575
16 0.071428607197467 41 0.18303580594351 66 0.29464300468955 91 0.40625020343559
17 0.075892895147308 42 0.18750009389335 67 0.29910729263939 92 0.41071449138543
18 0.08035718309715 43 0.19196438184319 68 0.30357158058923 93 0.41517877933527
19 0.084821471046992 44 0.19642866979303 69 0.30803586853907 94 0.41964306728512
20 0.089285758996833 45 0.20089295774287 70 0.31250015648892 95 0.42410735523496
21 0.093750046946675 46 0.20535724569272 71 0.31696444443876 96 0.4285716431848
22 0.098214334896517 47 0.20982153364256 72 0.3214287323886 97 0.43303593113464
23 0.10267862284636 48 0.2142858215924 73 0.32589302033844 98 0.43750021908448
24 0.1071429107962 49 0.21875010954224 74 0.33035730828828 99 0.44196450703432
25 0.11160719874604 50 0.22321439749208 75 0.33482159623812 100 0.44642879498417

  • Stone (6,350.29 grams)
    The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg). England and other Germanic-speaking countries of northern Europe formerly used various standardised "stones" for trade, with their values ranging from about 5 to 40 local pounds (roughly 3 to 15 kg) depending on the location and objects weighed. The United Kingdom's imperial system adopted the wool stone of 14 pounds in 1835. With the advent of metrication, Europe's various "stones" were superseded by or adapted to the kilogram from the mid-19th century on. The stone continues in customary use in Britain and Ireland used for measuring body weight, but was prohibited for commercial use in the UK by the Weights and Measures Act of 1985.
  • Ounce (28.34 grams)
    The ounce (abbreviated oz) is a unit of mass, weight, or volume used in most British derived customary systems of measurement. The common avoirdupois ounce (approximately 28.3 g) is 1⁄16 of a common avoirdupois pound; this is the United States customary and British imperial ounce. It is primarily used in the United States to measure packaged foods and food portions, postal items, areal density of fabric and paper, boxing gloves, and so on; but sometimes also elsewhere in the Anglosphere.
Tags Ounces to Stones oz to st Ounces oz Stones st converter calculator conversion table