UK Leagues to Light-years calculator

tedt long

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UK Leagues to Light-years formula

Light-years to UK Leagues formula

UK Leagues
UK Leagues

A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

Source: Wikipedia / Natural Living Ideas


One light year is the distance that light can travel in one year. Light moves at a velocity of about 300,000 kilometers (km) each second. So in one year, it can travel about 10 trillion km. More p recisely, one light-year is equal to 9,500,000,000,000 kilometers.

Source: Wikipedia

UK Leagues to Light-years Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the UK Leagues to Light-years conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lg ly lg ly lg ly lg ly
1 5.1062840704381E-13 26 1.3276338583139E-11 51 2.6042048759234E-11 76 3.880775893533E-11
2 1.0212568140876E-12 27 1.3786966990183E-11 52 2.6552677166278E-11 77 3.9318387342373E-11
3 1.5318852211314E-12 28 1.4297595397227E-11 53 2.7063305573322E-11 78 3.9829015749417E-11
4 2.0425136281752E-12 29 1.4808223804271E-11 54 2.7573933980366E-11 79 4.0339644156461E-11
5 2.5531420352191E-12 30 1.5318852211314E-11 55 2.808456238741E-11 80 4.0850272563505E-11
6 3.0637704422629E-12 31 1.5829480618358E-11 56 2.8595190794453E-11 81 4.1360900970549E-11
7 3.5743988493067E-12 32 1.6340109025402E-11 57 2.9105819201497E-11 82 4.1871529377592E-11
8 4.0850272563505E-12 33 1.6850737432446E-11 58 2.9616447608541E-11 83 4.2382157784636E-11
9 4.5956556633943E-12 34 1.736136583949E-11 59 3.0127076015585E-11 84 4.289278619168E-11
10 5.1062840704381E-12 35 1.7871994246533E-11 60 3.0637704422629E-11 85 4.3403414598724E-11
11 5.6169124774819E-12 36 1.8382622653577E-11 61 3.1148332829672E-11 86 4.3914043005768E-11
12 6.1275408845257E-12 37 1.8893251060621E-11 62 3.1658961236716E-11 87 4.4424671412812E-11
13 6.6381692915695E-12 38 1.9403879467665E-11 63 3.216958964376E-11 88 4.4935299819855E-11
14 7.1487976986134E-12 39 1.9914507874709E-11 64 3.2680218050804E-11 89 4.5445928226899E-11
15 7.6594261056572E-12 40 2.0425136281752E-11 65 3.3190846457848E-11 90 4.5956556633943E-11
16 8.170054512701E-12 41 2.0935764688796E-11 66 3.3701474864892E-11 91 4.6467185040987E-11
17 8.6806829197448E-12 42 2.144639309584E-11 67 3.4212103271935E-11 92 4.6977813448031E-11
18 9.1913113267886E-12 43 2.1957021502884E-11 68 3.4722731678979E-11 93 4.7488441855074E-11
19 9.7019397338324E-12 44 2.2467649909928E-11 69 3.5233360086023E-11 94 4.7999070262118E-11
20 1.0212568140876E-11 45 2.2978278316971E-11 70 3.5743988493067E-11 95 4.8509698669162E-11
21 1.072319654792E-11 46 2.3488906724015E-11 71 3.6254616900111E-11 96 4.9020327076206E-11
22 1.1233824954964E-11 47 2.3999535131059E-11 72 3.6765245307154E-11 97 4.953095548325E-11
23 1.1744453362008E-11 48 2.4510163538103E-11 73 3.7275873714198E-11 98 5.0041583890293E-11
24 1.2255081769051E-11 49 2.5020791945147E-11 74 3.7786502121242E-11 99 5.0552212297337E-11
25 1.2765710176095E-11 50 2.5531420352191E-11 75 3.8297130528286E-11 100 5.1062840704381E-11

  • Light-year (9,460,731,000,000,000 meters)
    The light-year is a unit of length used to express astronomical distances and measures about 9.5 trillion kilometres or 5.9 trillion miles. As defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a light-year is the distance that light travels in vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days). Because it includes the word "year", the term light-year is sometimes misinterpreted as a unit of time. The light-year is most often used when expressing distances to stars and other distances on a galactic scale, especially in nonspecialist and popular science publications. The unit most commonly used in professional astrometry is the parsec (symbol: pc, about 3.26 light-years; the distance at which one astronomical unit subtends an angle of one second of arc).
  • UK League (4,830.918 meters)
    A league is a unit of length. It was common in Europe and Latin America, but is no longer an official unit in any nation. The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour. Since the Middle Ages, many values have been specified in several countries.
Tags UK Leagues to Light-years lg to ly UK Leagues lg Light-years ly converter calculator conversion table