Bars to Torrs calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Bars to Torrs? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units bar and torr.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Bars to Torrs formula

Torrs to Bars formula

Bars to Torrs Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Bars to Torrs conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

bar torr bar torr bar torr bar torr
1 750.06167382113 26 19501.603519349 51 38253.145364878 76 57004.687210406
2 1500.1233476423 27 20251.665193171 52 39003.207038699 77 57754.748884227
3 2250.1850214634 28 21001.726866992 53 39753.26871252 78 58504.810558048
4 3000.2466952845 29 21751.788540813 54 40503.330386341 79 59254.872231869
5 3750.3083691056 30 22501.850214634 55 41253.392060162 80 60004.93390569
6 4500.3700429268 31 23251.911888455 56 42003.453733983 81 60754.995579512
7 5250.4317167479 32 24001.973562276 57 42753.515407804 82 61505.057253333
8 6000.493390569 33 24752.035236097 58 43503.577081626 83 62255.118927154
9 6750.5550643902 34 25502.096909918 59 44253.638755447 84 63005.180600975
10 7500.6167382113 35 26252.15858374 60 45003.700429268 85 63755.242274796
11 8250.6784120324 36 27002.220257561 61 45753.762103089 86 64505.303948617
12 9000.7400858536 37 27752.281931382 62 46503.82377691 87 65255.365622438
13 9750.8017596747 38 28502.343605203 63 47253.885450731 88 66005.427296259
14 10500.863433496 39 29252.405279024 64 48003.947124552 89 66755.488970081
15 11250.925107317 40 30002.466952845 65 48754.008798373 90 67505.550643902
16 12000.986781138 41 30752.528626666 66 49504.070472195 91 68255.612317723
17 12751.048454959 42 31502.590300487 67 50254.132146016 92 69005.673991544
18 13501.11012878 43 32252.651974309 68 51004.193819837 93 69755.735665365
19 14251.171802601 44 33002.71364813 69 51754.255493658 94 70505.797339186
20 15001.233476423 45 33752.775321951 70 52504.317167479 95 71255.859013007
21 15751.295150244 46 34502.836995772 71 53254.3788413 96 72005.920686828
22 16501.356824065 47 35252.898669593 72 54004.440515121 97 72755.98236065
23 17251.418497886 48 36002.960343414 73 54754.502188942 98 73506.044034471
24 18001.480171707 49 36753.022017235 74 55504.563862764 99 74256.105708292
25 18751.541845528 50 37503.083691056 75 56254.625536585 100 75006.167382113

  • Bar (100,000 Pa)
    The bar is a metric unit of pressure, but is not approved as part of the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as exactly equal to 100,000 Pa, which is slightly less than the current average atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level. The bar and the millibar were introduced by the Norwegian meteorologist Vilhelm Bjerknes, who was a founder of the modern practice of weather forecasting. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) lists the bar as one of the "non-SI units should have the freedom to use", but has declined to include it among the "Non-SI units accepted for use with the SI". The bar has been legally recognised in countries of the European Union since 2004. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) deprecates its use except for "limited use in meteorology" and lists it as one of several units that "must not be introduced in fields where they are not presently used". The International Astronomical Union (IAU) also lists it under "Non-SI units and symbols whose continued use is deprecated".
  • Torr (133.32 Pa)
    The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale, now defined as exactly 1/760 of a standard atmosphere (101.325 kPa). Thus one torr is exactly 101325/760 pascals (≈ 133.32 Pa).
Tags Bars to Torrs bar to torr Bars bar Torrs torr converter calculator conversion table


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Bars to Torrs
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Bars to Microbars
Bars to Millipascals
Torrs to Gigabars
Torrs to Terapascals
Torrs to Megabars
Torrs to Gigapascals
Torrs to Kilobars
Torrs to Short tons per square inch
Torrs to Long tons per square inch
Torrs to Kips per square inch
Torrs to Megapascals
Torrs to Newtons per square millimeter
Torrs to Atmospheres
Torrs to Atmospheres technical
Torrs to Bars
Torrs to Short tons per square foot
Torrs to Long tons per square foot
Torrs to Kips per square foot
Torrs to Feet of Mercury
Torrs to Tonnes per square meter
Torrs to Pounds per square inche
Torrs to Inches of Mercury
Torrs to Feet of Water
Torrs to Kilopascals
Torrs to Piezes
Torrs to Inches of Water
Torrs to Millibars
Torrs to Pounds per square foot
Torrs to Newtons per square meter
Torrs to Pascals
Torrs to Baryes
Torrs to Dynes per square centimeter
Torrs to Microbars
Torrs to Millipascals