Carats to Ounces calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Carats to Ounces? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units ct and oz.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Carats to Ounces formula

Ounces to Carats formula


Carat is a unit of mass used for measuring gemstones and pearls.

Source: Wikipedia


An example of a 2 fl oz shot glass in British Imperial fluid ounces.

Source: Wikipedia

Carats to Ounces Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Carats to Ounces conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

ct oz ct oz ct oz ct oz
1 0.0070547923899161 26 0.18342460213782 51 0.35979441188572 76 0.53616422163362
2 0.014109584779832 27 0.19047939452773 52 0.36684920427564 77 0.54321901402354
3 0.021164377169748 28 0.19753418691765 53 0.37390399666555 78 0.55027380641345
4 0.028219169559664 29 0.20458897930757 54 0.38095878905547 79 0.55732859880337
5 0.03527396194958 30 0.21164377169748 55 0.38801358144538 80 0.56438339119329
6 0.042328754339496 31 0.2186985640874 56 0.3950683738353 81 0.5714381835832
7 0.049383546729413 32 0.22575335647731 57 0.40212316622522 82 0.57849297597312
8 0.056438339119329 33 0.23280814886723 58 0.40917795861513 83 0.58554776836303
9 0.063493131509245 34 0.23986294125715 59 0.41623275100505 84 0.59260256075295
10 0.070547923899161 35 0.24691773364706 60 0.42328754339496 85 0.59965735314287
11 0.077602716289077 36 0.25397252603698 61 0.43034233578488 86 0.60671214553278
12 0.084657508678993 37 0.2610273184269 62 0.4373971281748 87 0.6137669379227
13 0.091712301068909 38 0.26808211081681 63 0.44445192056471 88 0.62082173031262
14 0.098767093458825 39 0.27513690320673 64 0.45150671295463 89 0.62787652270253
15 0.10582188584874 40 0.28219169559664 65 0.45856150534455 90 0.63493131509245
16 0.11287667823866 41 0.28924648798656 66 0.46561629773446 91 0.64198610748236
17 0.11993147062857 42 0.29630128037648 67 0.47267109012438 92 0.64904089987228
18 0.12698626301849 43 0.30335607276639 68 0.47972588251429 93 0.6560956922622
19 0.13404105540841 44 0.31041086515631 69 0.48678067490421 94 0.66315048465211
20 0.14109584779832 45 0.31746565754622 70 0.49383546729413 95 0.67020527704203
21 0.14815064018824 46 0.32452044993614 71 0.50089025968404 96 0.67726006943194
22 0.15520543257815 47 0.33157524232606 72 0.50794505207396 97 0.68431486182186
23 0.16226022496807 48 0.33863003471597 73 0.51499984446387 98 0.69136965421178
24 0.16931501735799 49 0.34568482710589 74 0.52205463685379 99 0.69842444660169
25 0.1763698097479 50 0.3527396194958 75 0.52910942924371 100 0.70547923899161

  • Ounce (28.34 grams)
    The ounce (abbreviated oz) is a unit of mass, weight, or volume used in most British derived customary systems of measurement. The common avoirdupois ounce (approximately 28.3 g) is 1⁄16 of a common avoirdupois pound; this is the United States customary and British imperial ounce. It is primarily used in the United States to measure packaged foods and food portions, postal items, areal density of fabric and paper, boxing gloves, and so on; but sometimes also elsewhere in the Anglosphere.
  • Carat (0.2 g)
    The carat (ct) (not to be confused with the karat, sometimes spelled carat, a unit of purity of gold alloys), is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg (0.2 g; 0.007055 oz) and is used for measuring gemstones and pearls. The current definition, sometimes known as the metric carat, was adopted in 1907 at the Fourth General Conference on Weights and Measures, and soon afterwards in many countries around the world.
Tags Carats to Ounces ct to oz Carats ct Ounces oz converter calculator conversion table