Imperial Tons to Milligrams calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Imperial Tons to Milligrams? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units LT and mg.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Imperial Tons to Milligrams formula

Milligrams to Imperial Tons formula

Imperial Tons
Imperial Tons

Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.

Source: Wikipedia


A unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal to a thousandth of a gram. A gram is equal to the mass of one milliliter, one thousandth of a liter, of water at 4 degrees C.

Source: Wikipedia

Imperial Tons to Milligrams Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Imperial Tons to Milligrams conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

LT mg LT mg LT mg LT mg
1 1016046908.8 26 26417219628.8 51 51818392348.8 76 77219565068.8
2 2032093817.6 27 27433266537.6 52 52834439257.6 77 78235611977.6
3 3048140726.4 28 28449313446.4 53 53850486166.4 78 79251658886.4
4 4064187635.2 29 29465360355.2 54 54866533075.2 79 80267705795.2
5 5080234544 30 30481407264 55 55882579984 80 81283752704
6 6096281452.8 31 31497454172.8 56 56898626892.8 81 82299799612.8
7 7112328361.6 32 32513501081.6 57 57914673801.6 82 83315846521.6
8 8128375270.4 33 33529547990.4 58 58930720710.4 83 84331893430.4
9 9144422179.2 34 34545594899.2 59 59946767619.2 84 85347940339.2
10 10160469088 35 35561641808 60 60962814528 85 86363987248
11 11176515996.8 36 36577688716.8 61 61978861436.8 86 87380034156.8
12 12192562905.6 37 37593735625.6 62 62994908345.6 87 88396081065.6
13 13208609814.4 38 38609782534.4 63 64010955254.4 88 89412127974.4
14 14224656723.2 39 39625829443.2 64 65027002163.2 89 90428174883.2
15 15240703632 40 40641876352 65 66043049072 90 91444221792
16 16256750540.8 41 41657923260.8 66 67059095980.8 91 92460268700.8
17 17272797449.6 42 42673970169.6 67 68075142889.6 92 93476315609.6
18 18288844358.4 43 43690017078.4 68 69091189798.4 93 94492362518.4
19 19304891267.2 44 44706063987.2 69 70107236707.2 94 95508409427.2
20 20320938176 45 45722110896 70 71123283616 95 96524456336
21 21336985084.8 46 46738157804.8 71 72139330524.8 96 97540503244.8
22 22353031993.6 47 47754204713.6 72 73155377433.6 97 98556550153.6
23 23369078902.4 48 48770251622.4 73 74171424342.4 98 99572597062.4
24 24385125811.2 49 49786298531.2 74 75187471251.2 99 100588643971.2
25 25401172720 50 50802345440 75 76203518160 100 101604690880

  • Imperial Ton (1,016,046.90 grams)
    Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.
  • Milligram (0.001 grams)
    A unit of measurement of mass in the metric system equal to a thousandth of a gram. A gram is equal to the mass of one milliliter, one thousandth of a liter, of water at 4 degrees C. The abbreviation for milligram is mg.
Tags Imperial Tons to Milligrams LT to mg Imperial Tons LT Milligrams mg converter calculator conversion table