Micrograms to Carats calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Micrograms to Carats? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units μg and ct.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Micrograms to Carats formula

Carats to Micrograms formula


In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg; the recommended symbol in the United States when communicating medical information is mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. The unit symbol is μg according to the International System of Units. In μg the prefix symbol for micro- is the Greek letter μ (Mu).

Source: Wikipedia


Carat is a unit of mass used for measuring gemstones and pearls.

Source: Wikipedia

Micrograms to Carats Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Micrograms to Carats conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

μg ct μg ct μg ct μg ct
1 5.0E-6 26 0.00013 51 0.000255 76 0.00038
2 1.0E-5 27 0.000135 52 0.00026 77 0.000385
3 1.5E-5 28 0.00014 53 0.000265 78 0.00039
4 2.0E-5 29 0.000145 54 0.00027 79 0.000395
5 2.5E-5 30 0.00015 55 0.000275 80 0.0004
6 3.0E-5 31 0.000155 56 0.00028 81 0.000405
7 3.5E-5 32 0.00016 57 0.000285 82 0.00041
8 4.0E-5 33 0.000165 58 0.00029 83 0.000415
9 4.5E-5 34 0.00017 59 0.000295 84 0.00042
10 5.0E-5 35 0.000175 60 0.0003 85 0.000425
11 5.5E-5 36 0.00018 61 0.000305 86 0.00043
12 6.0E-5 37 0.000185 62 0.00031 87 0.000435
13 6.5E-5 38 0.00019 63 0.000315 88 0.00044
14 7.0E-5 39 0.000195 64 0.00032 89 0.000445
15 7.5E-5 40 0.0002 65 0.000325 90 0.00045
16 8.0E-5 41 0.000205 66 0.00033 91 0.000455
17 8.5E-5 42 0.00021 67 0.000335 92 0.00046
18 9.0E-5 43 0.000215 68 0.00034 93 0.000465
19 9.5E-5 44 0.00022 69 0.000345 94 0.00047
20 0.0001 45 0.000225 70 0.00035 95 0.000475
21 0.000105 46 0.00023 71 0.000355 96 0.00048
22 0.00011 47 0.000235 72 0.00036 97 0.000485
23 0.000115 48 0.00024 73 0.000365 98 0.00049
24 0.00012 49 0.000245 74 0.00037 99 0.000495
25 0.000125 50 0.00025 75 0.000375 100 0.0005

  • Carat (0.2 g)
    The carat (ct) (not to be confused with the karat, sometimes spelled carat, a unit of purity of gold alloys), is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg (0.2 g; 0.007055 oz) and is used for measuring gemstones and pearls. The current definition, sometimes known as the metric carat, was adopted in 1907 at the Fourth General Conference on Weights and Measures, and soon afterwards in many countries around the world.
  • Microgram (0.000001 grams)
    In the metric system, a microgram or microgramme (μg; the recommended symbol in the United States when communicating medical information is mcg) is a unit of mass equal to one millionth (1×10−6) of a gram. The unit symbol is μg according to the International System of Units. In μg the prefix symbol for micro- is the Greek letter μ (Mu).
Tags Micrograms to Carats μg to ct Micrograms μg Carats ct converter calculator conversion table