Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US)? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units lb and cwt short.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

cwt short

Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) formula

Short Hundredweights (US) to Pounds formula


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia

Short Hundredweights (US)
Short Hundredweights (US)

Hundredweight (cwt) used in a road sign in Ilkley, Yorkshire.

Source: Wikipedia

Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lb cwt short lb cwt short lb cwt short lb cwt short
1 0.0099999993386133 26 0.25999998280394 51 0.50999996626928 76 0.75999994973461
2 0.019999998677227 27 0.26999998214256 52 0.51999996560789 77 0.76999994907322
3 0.02999999801584 28 0.27999998148117 53 0.5299999649465 78 0.77999994841183
4 0.039999997354453 29 0.28999998081978 54 0.53999996428512 79 0.78999994775045
5 0.049999996693066 30 0.2999999801584 55 0.54999996362373 80 0.79999994708906
6 0.05999999603168 31 0.30999997949701 56 0.55999996296234 81 0.80999994642767
7 0.069999995370293 32 0.31999997883562 57 0.56999996230096 82 0.81999994576629
8 0.079999994708906 33 0.32999997817424 58 0.57999996163957 83 0.8299999451049
9 0.089999994047519 34 0.33999997751285 59 0.58999996097818 84 0.83999994444351
10 0.099999993386133 35 0.34999997685146 60 0.5999999603168 85 0.84999994378213
11 0.10999999272475 36 0.35999997619008 61 0.60999995965541 86 0.85999994312074
12 0.11999999206336 37 0.36999997552869 62 0.61999995899402 87 0.86999994245935
13 0.12999999140197 38 0.3799999748673 63 0.62999995833264 88 0.87999994179797
14 0.13999999074059 39 0.38999997420592 64 0.63999995767125 89 0.88999994113658
15 0.1499999900792 40 0.39999997354453 65 0.64999995700986 90 0.89999994047519
16 0.15999998941781 41 0.40999997288314 66 0.65999995634848 91 0.90999993981381
17 0.16999998875643 42 0.41999997222176 67 0.66999995568709 92 0.91999993915242
18 0.17999998809504 43 0.42999997156037 68 0.6799999550257 93 0.92999993849103
19 0.18999998743365 44 0.43999997089898 69 0.68999995436431 94 0.93999993782965
20 0.19999998677227 45 0.4499999702376 70 0.69999995370293 95 0.94999993716826
21 0.20999998611088 46 0.45999996957621 71 0.70999995304154 96 0.95999993650687
22 0.21999998544949 47 0.46999996891482 72 0.71999995238015 97 0.96999993584549
23 0.2299999847881 48 0.47999996825344 73 0.72999995171877 98 0.9799999351841
24 0.23999998412672 49 0.48999996759205 74 0.73999995105738 99 0.98999993452271
25 0.24999998346533 50 0.49999996693066 75 0.74999995039599 100 0.99999993386133

  • Short Hundredweight (45,359.24 grams)
    The hundredweight (abbreviation: cwt), formerly also known as the centum weight or quintal, is an English, imperial, and US customary unit of weight or mass of various values. Its present value continues to differ between the American and imperial systems. The two values are distinguished in American English as the "short" and "long" hundredweight and in British English as the "cental" and the "imperial hundredweight". The short hundredweight or cental of 100 lb (45.359237 kg) is used in the US and Canada.
  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
Tags Pounds to Short Hundredweights (US) lb to cwt short Pounds lb Short Hundredweights (US) cwt short converter calculator conversion table