Pounds to Stones calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Pounds to Stones? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units lb and st.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Pounds to Stones formula

Stones to Pounds formula


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia


A depiction of a medieval German scale weighing bales of wool according to the local stone.

Source: Wikipedia

Pounds to Stones Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Pounds to Stones conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

lb st lb st lb st lb st
1 0.071428607197467 26 1.8571437871341 51 3.6428589670708 76 5.4285741470075
2 0.14285721439493 27 1.9285723943316 52 3.7142875742683 77 5.5000027542049
3 0.2142858215924 28 2.0000010015291 53 3.7857161814657 78 5.5714313614024
4 0.28571442878987 29 2.0714296087265 54 3.8571447886632 79 5.6428599685999
5 0.35714303598733 30 2.142858215924 55 3.9285733958607 80 5.7142885757973
6 0.4285716431848 31 2.2142868231215 56 4.0000020030581 81 5.7857171829948
7 0.50000025038227 32 2.2857154303189 57 4.0714306102556 82 5.8571457901923
8 0.57142885757973 33 2.3571440375164 58 4.1428592174531 83 5.9285743973897
9 0.6428574647772 34 2.4285726447139 59 4.2142878246505 84 6.0000030045872
10 0.71428607197467 35 2.5000012519113 60 4.285716431848 85 6.0714316117847
11 0.78571467917213 36 2.5714298591088 61 4.3571450390455 86 6.1428602189821
12 0.8571432863696 37 2.6428584663063 62 4.4285736462429 87 6.2142888261796
13 0.92857189356707 38 2.7142870735037 63 4.5000022534404 88 6.2857174333771
14 1.0000005007645 39 2.7857156807012 64 4.5714308606379 89 6.3571460405745
15 1.071429107962 40 2.8571442878987 65 4.6428594678353 90 6.428574647772
16 1.1428577151595 41 2.9285728950961 66 4.7142880750328 91 6.5000032549695
17 1.2142863223569 42 3.0000015022936 67 4.7857166822303 92 6.5714318621669
18 1.2857149295544 43 3.0714301094911 68 4.8571452894277 93 6.6428604693644
19 1.3571435367519 44 3.1428587166885 69 4.9285738966252 94 6.7142890765619
20 1.4285721439493 45 3.214287323886 70 5.0000025038227 95 6.7857176837593
21 1.5000007511468 46 3.2857159310835 71 5.0714311110201 96 6.8571462909568
22 1.5714293583443 47 3.3571445382809 72 5.1428597182176 97 6.9285748981543
23 1.6428579655417 48 3.4285731454784 73 5.2142883254151 98 7.0000035053517
24 1.7142865727392 49 3.5000017526759 74 5.2857169326125 99 7.0714321125492
25 1.7857151799367 50 3.5714303598733 75 5.35714553981 100 7.1428607197467

  • Stone (6,350.29 grams)
    The stone or stone weight (abbreviation: st.) is an English and imperial unit of mass now equal to 14 pounds (6.35029318 kg). England and other Germanic-speaking countries of northern Europe formerly used various standardised "stones" for trade, with their values ranging from about 5 to 40 local pounds (roughly 3 to 15 kg) depending on the location and objects weighed. The United Kingdom's imperial system adopted the wool stone of 14 pounds in 1835. With the advent of metrication, Europe's various "stones" were superseded by or adapted to the kilogram from the mid-19th century on. The stone continues in customary use in Britain and Ireland used for measuring body weight, but was prohibited for commercial use in the UK by the Weights and Measures Act of 1985.
  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
Tags Pounds to Stones lb to st Pounds lb Stones st converter calculator conversion table