Therms to Kilowatt hours calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Therms to Kilowatt hours? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units thm and kWh.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Therms to Kilowatt hours formula

Kilowatt hours to Therms formula

Therms to Kilowatt hours Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Therms to Kilowatt hours conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

thm kWh thm kWh thm kWh thm kWh
1 29.307111111111 26 761.98488888889 51 1494.6626666667 76 2227.3404444444
2 58.614222222222 27 791.292 52 1523.9697777778 77 2256.6475555556
3 87.921333333333 28 820.59911111111 53 1553.2768888889 78 2285.9546666667
4 117.22844444444 29 849.90622222222 54 1582.584 79 2315.2617777778
5 146.53555555556 30 879.21333333333 55 1611.8911111111 80 2344.5688888889
6 175.84266666667 31 908.52044444444 56 1641.1982222222 81 2373.876
7 205.14977777778 32 937.82755555556 57 1670.5053333333 82 2403.1831111111
8 234.45688888889 33 967.13466666667 58 1699.8124444444 83 2432.4902222222
9 263.764 34 996.44177777778 59 1729.1195555556 84 2461.7973333333
10 293.07111111111 35 1025.7488888889 60 1758.4266666667 85 2491.1044444444
11 322.37822222222 36 1055.056 61 1787.7337777778 86 2520.4115555556
12 351.68533333333 37 1084.3631111111 62 1817.0408888889 87 2549.7186666667
13 380.99244444444 38 1113.6702222222 63 1846.348 88 2579.0257777778
14 410.29955555556 39 1142.9773333333 64 1875.6551111111 89 2608.3328888889
15 439.60666666667 40 1172.2844444444 65 1904.9622222222 90 2637.64
16 468.91377777778 41 1201.5915555556 66 1934.2693333333 91 2666.9471111111
17 498.22088888889 42 1230.8986666667 67 1963.5764444444 92 2696.2542222222
18 527.528 43 1260.2057777778 68 1992.8835555556 93 2725.5613333333
19 556.83511111111 44 1289.5128888889 69 2022.1906666667 94 2754.8684444444
20 586.14222222222 45 1318.82 70 2051.4977777778 95 2784.1755555556
21 615.44933333333 46 1348.1271111111 71 2080.8048888889 96 2813.4826666667
22 644.75644444444 47 1377.4342222222 72 2110.112 97 2842.7897777778
23 674.06355555556 48 1406.7413333333 73 2139.4191111111 98 2872.0968888889
24 703.37066666667 49 1436.0484444444 74 2168.7262222222 99 2901.404
25 732.67777777778 50 1465.3555555556 75 2198.0333333333 100 2930.7111111111

  • Therm (105,505,600 J)
    Not to be confused with Thermies unit. The therm (symbol, thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (Btu). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic metres) – often referred to as 1 CCF – of natural gas. Since natural gas meters measure volume and not energy content, a therm factor is used by natural gas companies to convert the volume of gas used to its heat equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use. The therm factor is usually expressed in units of therms per CCF. It will vary with the mix of hydrocarbons in the natural gas. Natural gas with a higher than average concentration of ethane, propane or butane will have a higher therm factor. Impurities, such as carbon dioxide or nitrogen, lower the therm factor. One therm is equal to about 105.5 megajoules, 25200 kilocalories, or 29.3 kilowatt-hours. One therm can also be provided by about 96.7 cubic feet (2.74 m3) of natural gas. The therm sometimes has been confused with the thermie. The names of both units come from the Greek word for heat.
  • Kilowatt hour (3,600,000 J)
    The kilowatt hour (symbol kWh, kW⋅h or kW h) is a unit of energy equal to 3.6 megajoules. If energy is transmitted or used at a constant rate (power) over a period of time, the total energy in kilowatt hours is equal to the power in kilowatts multiplied by the time in hours. The kilowatt hour is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities.
Tags Therms to Kilowatt hours thm to kWh Therms thm Kilowatt hours kWh converter calculator conversion table


Therms to Q units
Therms to Quads
Therms to Exajoules
Therms to Terawatthours
Therms to Petajoules
Therms to Gigawatt hours
Therms to Terajoules
Therms to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Therms to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Therms to Tons (explosive)
Therms to Megawatthours
Therms to Dekatherms
Therms to Gigajoules
Therms to Thermies
Therms to Kilowatt hours
Therms to Horsepower hours
Therms to Megajoules
Therms to Calories (Nutritional)
Therms to Kilogram calories
Therms to Watthours
Therms to Btus
Therms to Kilojoules
Therms to Liter atmospheres
Therms to Calories (15°C)
Therms to Calories (I.T.)
Therms to Calories (Thermochemical)
Therms to Gram calories
Therms to Foot pounds
Therms to Joules
Therms to Newton meters
Therms to Wattseconds
Therms to Inch pounds
Therms to Inch ounces
Therms to Millijoules
Therms to Microjoules
Therms to Teraelectronvolts
Therms to Ergs
Therms to Nanojoules
Therms to Picojoules
Therms to Megaelectronvolts
Therms to Femtojoules
Therms to Hartrees
Therms to Electronvolts
Kilowatt hours to Q units
Kilowatt hours to Quads
Kilowatt hours to Exajoules
Kilowatt hours to Terawatthours
Kilowatt hours to Petajoules
Kilowatt hours to Gigawatt hours
Kilowatt hours to Terajoules
Kilowatt hours to Tonnes of oil equivalent
Kilowatt hours to Tonnes of coal equivalent
Kilowatt hours to Tons (explosive)
Kilowatt hours to Megawatthours
Kilowatt hours to Dekatherms
Kilowatt hours to Gigajoules
Kilowatt hours to Therms
Kilowatt hours to Thermies
Kilowatt hours to Horsepower hours
Kilowatt hours to Megajoules
Kilowatt hours to Calories (Nutritional)
Kilowatt hours to Kilogram calories
Kilowatt hours to Watthours
Kilowatt hours to Btus
Kilowatt hours to Kilojoules
Kilowatt hours to Liter atmospheres
Kilowatt hours to Calories (15°C)
Kilowatt hours to Calories (I.T.)
Kilowatt hours to Calories (Thermochemical)
Kilowatt hours to Gram calories
Kilowatt hours to Foot pounds
Kilowatt hours to Joules
Kilowatt hours to Newton meters
Kilowatt hours to Wattseconds
Kilowatt hours to Inch pounds
Kilowatt hours to Inch ounces
Kilowatt hours to Millijoules
Kilowatt hours to Microjoules
Kilowatt hours to Teraelectronvolts
Kilowatt hours to Ergs
Kilowatt hours to Nanojoules
Kilowatt hours to Picojoules
Kilowatt hours to Megaelectronvolts
Kilowatt hours to Femtojoules
Kilowatt hours to Hartrees
Kilowatt hours to Electronvolts