Pennyweights to Pounds calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Pennyweights to Pounds? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units dwt and lb.

How to use it?

To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.


Pennyweights to Pounds formula

Pounds to Pennyweights formula


A pennyweight (abbreviated dwt, from denarius weight) is a unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 1⁄20 of a troy ounce, 1⁄240 of a troy pound, approximately 0.054857 avoirdupois ounce and exactly 1.55517384 grams.

Source: Wikipedia


Pouds is mostly used in the United States. Most of the other countries in the world have adopted the metric system.

Source: Wikipedia

Pennyweights to Pounds Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Pennyweights to Pounds conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

dwt lb dwt lb dwt lb dwt lb
1 0.003428571781311 26 0.089142866314087 51 0.17485716084686 76 0.26057145537964
2 0.0068571435626221 27 0.092571438095398 52 0.17828573262817 77 0.26400002716095
3 0.010285715343933 28 0.096000009876709 53 0.18171430440949 78 0.26742859894226
4 0.013714287125244 29 0.09942858165802 54 0.1851428761908 79 0.27085717072357
5 0.017142858906555 30 0.10285715343933 55 0.18857144797211 80 0.27428574250488
6 0.020571430687866 31 0.10628572522064 56 0.19200001975342 81 0.27771431428619
7 0.024000002469177 32 0.10971429700195 57 0.19542859153473 82 0.28114288606751
8 0.027428574250488 33 0.11314286878326 58 0.19885716331604 83 0.28457145784882
9 0.030857146031799 34 0.11657144056458 59 0.20228573509735 84 0.28800002963013
10 0.03428571781311 35 0.12000001234589 60 0.20571430687866 85 0.29142860141144
11 0.037714289594422 36 0.1234285841272 61 0.20914287865997 86 0.29485717319275
12 0.041142861375733 37 0.12685715590851 62 0.21257145044128 87 0.29828574497406
13 0.044571433157044 38 0.13028572768982 63 0.2160000222226 88 0.30171431675537
14 0.048000004938355 39 0.13371429947113 64 0.21942859400391 89 0.30514288853668
15 0.051428576719666 40 0.13714287125244 65 0.22285716578522 90 0.30857146031799
16 0.054857148500977 41 0.14057144303375 66 0.22628573756653 91 0.31200003209931
17 0.058285720282288 42 0.14400001481506 67 0.22971430934784 92 0.31542860388062
18 0.061714292063599 43 0.14742858659638 68 0.23314288112915 93 0.31885717566193
19 0.06514286384491 44 0.15085715837769 69 0.23657145291046 94 0.32228574744324
20 0.068571435626221 45 0.154285730159 70 0.24000002469177 95 0.32571431922455
21 0.072000007407532 46 0.15771430194031 71 0.24342859647308 96 0.32914289100586
22 0.075428579188843 47 0.16114287372162 72 0.2468571682544 97 0.33257146278717
23 0.078857150970154 48 0.16457144550293 73 0.25028574003571 98 0.33600003456848
24 0.082285722751465 49 0.16800001728424 74 0.25371431181702 99 0.33942860634979
25 0.085714294532776 50 0.17142858906555 75 0.25714288359833 100 0.3428571781311

  • Pound (453.59 grams)
    It is not to be confused with the short ton a unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds (907.18474 kg) used in the United States and in Canada before metrication also referred to simply as a "ton".
  • Pennyweight (1.5552 gram)
    The pennyweight symbol is dwt. There are 24 grains in 1 dwt, and 20 dwt in one troy ounce. Because there were 12 troy ounces in the old troy pound, there would have been 240 pennyweights to the pound—the basis of the fact that the old British pound sterling of currency contained 240 pence. (However, prior to 1526, English pound sterling was based on the tower pound, which is 15⁄16 of a troy pound.) The d in dwt stands for denarius, the ancient Roman coin, referred to in the New Testament, that equates loosely to a penny. The symbol d for penny can be recognized in the notation for British pre-decimal pennies, in which pounds, shillings, and pence were indicated using the symbols £, s, and d, respectively. For example, £6 11s 8d indicated six pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence.
Tags Pennyweights to Pounds dwt to lb Pennyweights dwt Pounds lb converter calculator conversion table