Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units oz t and LT.

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To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

oz t

Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons formula

Imperial Tons to Troy Ounces formula

Troy Ounces
Troy Ounces

Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US).

Source: Wikipedia

Imperial Tons
Imperial Tons

Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.

Source: Wikipedia

Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

oz t LT oz t LT oz t LT oz t LT
1 3.0612244897959E-5 26 0.00079591836734694 51 0.0015612244897959 76 0.0023265306122449
2 6.1224489795918E-5 27 0.0008265306122449 52 0.0015918367346939 77 0.0023571428571429
3 9.1836734693878E-5 28 0.00085714285714286 53 0.0016224489795918 78 0.0023877551020408
4 0.00012244897959184 29 0.00088775510204082 54 0.0016530612244898 79 0.0024183673469388
5 0.0001530612244898 30 0.00091836734693878 55 0.0016836734693878 80 0.0024489795918367
6 0.00018367346938776 31 0.00094897959183673 56 0.0017142857142857 81 0.0024795918367347
7 0.00021428571428571 32 0.00097959183673469 57 0.0017448979591837 82 0.0025102040816327
8 0.00024489795918367 33 0.0010102040816327 58 0.0017755102040816 83 0.0025408163265306
9 0.00027551020408163 34 0.0010408163265306 59 0.0018061224489796 84 0.0025714285714286
10 0.00030612244897959 35 0.0010714285714286 60 0.0018367346938776 85 0.0026020408163265
11 0.00033673469387755 36 0.0011020408163265 61 0.0018673469387755 86 0.0026326530612245
12 0.00036734693877551 37 0.0011326530612245 62 0.0018979591836735 87 0.0026632653061224
13 0.00039795918367347 38 0.0011632653061224 63 0.0019285714285714 88 0.0026938775510204
14 0.00042857142857143 39 0.0011938775510204 64 0.0019591836734694 89 0.0027244897959184
15 0.00045918367346939 40 0.0012244897959184 65 0.0019897959183673 90 0.0027551020408163
16 0.00048979591836735 41 0.0012551020408163 66 0.0020204081632653 91 0.0027857142857143
17 0.00052040816326531 42 0.0012857142857143 67 0.0020510204081633 92 0.0028163265306122
18 0.00055102040816327 43 0.0013163265306122 68 0.0020816326530612 93 0.0028469387755102
19 0.00058163265306122 44 0.0013469387755102 69 0.0021122448979592 94 0.0028775510204082
20 0.00061224489795918 45 0.0013775510204082 70 0.0021428571428571 95 0.0029081632653061
21 0.00064285714285714 46 0.0014081632653061 71 0.0021734693877551 96 0.0029387755102041
22 0.0006734693877551 47 0.0014387755102041 72 0.0022040816326531 97 0.002969387755102
23 0.00070408163265306 48 0.001469387755102 73 0.002234693877551 98 0.003
24 0.00073469387755102 49 0.0015 74 0.002265306122449 99 0.003030612244898
25 0.00076530612244898 50 0.001530612244898 75 0.0022959183673469 100 0.0030612244897959

  • Imperial Ton (1,016,046.90 grams)
    Long ton, also known as the imperial ton or displacement ton, is the name for the unit called the "ton" in the avoirdupois or Imperial system of measurements. It was standardised in the thirteenth century and is used in the United Kingdom and several other British Commonwealth of Nations countries alongside the mass-based metric tonne defined in 1799.
  • Troy Ounce (31.10 grams)
    Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US). There are only 12 troy ounces per troy pound, rather than the 16 ounces per pound found in the more common avoirdupois system. However, the avoirdupois pound has 7000 grains whereas the troy pound has only 5760 grains (i.e. 12 × 480 grains). Both systems use the same grain defined by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 as 0.06479891 grams. Therefore, the troy ounce is 480 grains or 31.10 grams, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437.5 grains or 28.35 grams. The troy ounce, then, is about 10% heavier (ratio 192/175) than the avoirdupois ounce. Although troy ounces are still used to weigh gold, silver, and gemstones, troy weight is no longer used in most other applications. One troy ounce of gold is denoted with the ISO 4217 currency code XAU, while one troy ounce of silver is denoted as XAG.
Tags Troy Ounces to Imperial Tons oz t to LT Troy Ounces oz t Imperial Tons LT converter calculator conversion table