Troy Ounces to Pennyweights calculator

Looking for a calculator or a conversion table to convert Troy Ounces to Pennyweights? The answer is one click away! With our smart calculator you can easily convert between the two weight units oz t and dwt.

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To use the calculator, place your cursor in the desired unit field and write a number.The calculator will automatically convert your number and display the result in the other unit fields. If needed use the dot "." as the decimal separator.

oz t

Troy Ounces to Pennyweights formula

Pennyweights to Troy Ounces formula

Troy Ounces
Troy Ounces

Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US).

Source: Wikipedia


A pennyweight (abbreviated dwt, from denarius weight) is a unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 1⁄20 of a troy ounce, 1⁄240 of a troy pound, approximately 0.054857 avoirdupois ounce and exactly 1.55517384 grams.

Source: Wikipedia

Troy Ounces to Pennyweights Conversion Table

Below you can generate and download as CSV, Excel, PDF or print the Troy Ounces to Pennyweights conversion table based on your needs.

Selected rounding: none (You can change it above in the dropdown)

oz t dwt oz t dwt oz t dwt oz t dwt
1 19.999997942352 26 519.99994650116 51 1019.99989506 76 1519.9998436188
2 39.999995884705 27 539.99994444352 52 1039.9998930023 77 1539.9998415611
3 59.999993827057 28 559.99994238587 53 1059.9998909447 78 1559.9998395035
4 79.99999176941 29 579.99994032822 54 1079.999888887 79 1579.9998374458
5 99.999989711762 30 599.99993827057 55 1099.9998868294 80 1599.9998353882
6 119.99998765411 31 619.99993621293 56 1119.9998847717 81 1619.9998333305
7 139.99998559647 32 639.99993415528 57 1139.9998827141 82 1639.9998312729
8 159.99998353882 33 659.99993209763 58 1159.9998806564 83 1659.9998292153
9 179.99998148117 34 679.99993003998 59 1179.9998785988 84 1679.9998271576
10 199.99997942352 35 699.99992798234 60 1199.9998765411 85 1699.9998251
11 219.99997736588 36 719.99992592469 61 1219.9998744835 86 1719.9998230423
12 239.99997530823 37 739.99992386704 62 1239.9998724259 87 1739.9998209847
13 259.99997325058 38 759.99992180939 63 1259.9998703682 88 1759.999818927
14 279.99997119293 39 779.99991975174 64 1279.9998683106 89 1779.9998168694
15 299.99996913529 40 799.9999176941 65 1299.9998662529 90 1799.9998148117
16 319.99996707764 41 819.99991563645 66 1319.9998641953 91 1819.9998127541
17 339.99996501999 42 839.9999135788 67 1339.9998621376 92 1839.9998106964
18 359.99996296234 43 859.99991152115 68 1359.99986008 93 1859.9998086388
19 379.9999609047 44 879.99990946351 69 1379.9998580223 94 1879.9998065811
20 399.99995884705 45 899.99990740586 70 1399.9998559647 95 1899.9998045235
21 419.9999567894 46 919.99990534821 71 1419.999853907 96 1919.9998024658
22 439.99995473175 47 939.99990329056 72 1439.9998518494 97 1939.9998004082
23 459.99995267411 48 959.99990123292 73 1459.9998497917 98 1959.9997983505
24 479.99995061646 49 979.99989917527 74 1479.9998477341 99 1979.9997962929
25 499.99994855881 50 999.99989711762 75 1499.9998456764 100 1999.9997942352

  • Troy Ounce (31.10 grams)
    Troy weight is a system of units of mass customarily used for precious metals and gemstones. One troy ounce (abbreviated "t oz" or "oz t") is equal to 31.1034768 grams, (or about 1.0971 oz. avoirdupois, the "avoirdupois" ounce being the most common definition of an "ounce" in the US). There are only 12 troy ounces per troy pound, rather than the 16 ounces per pound found in the more common avoirdupois system. However, the avoirdupois pound has 7000 grains whereas the troy pound has only 5760 grains (i.e. 12 × 480 grains). Both systems use the same grain defined by the international yard and pound agreement of 1959 as 0.06479891 grams. Therefore, the troy ounce is 480 grains or 31.10 grams, compared with the avoirdupois ounce, which is 437.5 grains or 28.35 grams. The troy ounce, then, is about 10% heavier (ratio 192/175) than the avoirdupois ounce. Although troy ounces are still used to weigh gold, silver, and gemstones, troy weight is no longer used in most other applications. One troy ounce of gold is denoted with the ISO 4217 currency code XAU, while one troy ounce of silver is denoted as XAG.
  • Pennyweight (1.5552 gram)
    The pennyweight symbol is dwt. There are 24 grains in 1 dwt, and 20 dwt in one troy ounce. Because there were 12 troy ounces in the old troy pound, there would have been 240 pennyweights to the pound—the basis of the fact that the old British pound sterling of currency contained 240 pence. (However, prior to 1526, English pound sterling was based on the tower pound, which is 15⁄16 of a troy pound.) The d in dwt stands for denarius, the ancient Roman coin, referred to in the New Testament, that equates loosely to a penny. The symbol d for penny can be recognized in the notation for British pre-decimal pennies, in which pounds, shillings, and pence were indicated using the symbols £, s, and d, respectively. For example, £6 11s 8d indicated six pounds, eleven shillings, and eight pence.
Tags Troy Ounces to Pennyweights oz t to dwt Troy Ounces oz t Pennyweights dwt converter calculator conversion table